Hollis Oberlies

Hollis Oberlies


A runner all her life, Hollis usually sits still just long enough to pick a new route, tie up her shoes, and get back out there again. Her passion for adventures in nature, and a knack for finding the best foodie stops, fueled the idea for Trails & Treats. Born in New Orleans, Hollis has Southern roots. At meals with her extended family, it was commonplace to decide where and when the next meal would be before getting up from the table. Food was always a focus, exploring different local favorites and new flavors. Hollis’ family moved to the Chicago suburbs when she was a child, and she grew up running, hiking, biking, and canoeing in the Midwest. Hollis attended Miami University in Ohio and received a BFA with an emphasis in graphic design, her lifetime profession. Her move to North Carolina in the late ’90s introduced her to the vast network of trails to explore, which she, her husband, and two children have been traversing ever since. After living in Chapel Hill for over a decade, hiking and training on trails in the Triangle, Hollis and her family moved to Greensboro where she is owner/operator of a graphic design business, coaches a middle school cross country team, and directs a local 5k race. She recently helped establish a NC nonprofit to raise funds for charities through local races. Hollis was the recipient of the 2019 Will Caviness Award, given to one runner each year in memory of the Greensboro firefighter and runner. This book is, in part, a legacy of that award.

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